Babylon 5 - 04
  Babylon 5 - 04

The War Prayer and The Sky Full Of Stars.



Sci-Fi Video


The War Prayer

Tensions run high when a group of fanatical human terrorists known as the Home Guard infiltrates Babylon 5 and starts attacking prominent aliens, threatening to upset the delicate balance of relations on the space station. Meanwhile, Ambassador Londo must take under his wing two fugitive Centauran lovers who commit the outrage of wanting to marry for love.

And The Sky Full Of Stars

The crew race to save Commander Sinclair when he is abducted into cyberspace by two mysterious human assassins. As the duo ruthlessly probe his buried memories for the truth behind his disappearance during the Earth-Minbari Battle of the Line, Sinclair remembers that Ambassador Delenn is not as innocent as she seems.

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